I am so happy that you are thinking about joining our practice!
I’d like to offer a few tips about our practice and what you can do so that you will not injure yourself or become discouraged.
Yoga is an ancient practice that helps to bring all the elements of life together – mind – body – spirit. If you like the style I teach, which is a very traditional branch called Hatha or Raja Yoga, then I hope you stay with us. If you don’t, please don’t give up on the practice, but find a teacher and/or a style that better suits you. I promise, I won’t be offended!
If you are new to yoga, first and foremost, do not try to do too much at once. When something doesn’t feel right, stop, reassess what you are doing, and modify your position until you feel no pain.
One of the most important things to remember is that yoga is not supposed to be difficult. It is a thorough practice and you should leave a class feeling refreshed, calm, and balanced. Given some time and patience, your body will respond to what you ask it to do. We use our breath to help ease us in and out of postures.
Don’t try to rush through anything you are hearing or seeing. Take your time. Don’t be afraid to pause and take a couple of long, slow steady breaths to “reset” you mind.
Raise your hand if you have a question. I am almost always watching the screen.
Wear loose comfortable clothing. Don’t eat anything heavy or drink too much liquid just before class. I recommend that you practice barefoot if you are willing to do that. And, please try to be on time.
(I have no idea how each of these images came up purple!)
You will want a mat of some sort under you when you practice. I recommend Jade mats unless you have a latex allergy. They are 100% rubber, keep you from slipping or sliding even if your feet perspire, and come in a variety of thicknesses as well as lengths. My preference is for the Harmony model; many of my students use the Fusion. So long as you don’t store them in direct sunlight, a Jade mat should serve you many years. (There are much less expensive mats, just be aware of the material and thickness.)
Besides your yoga mat, it is also helpful to have a couple of “props.” We use a yoga “block” to assist with a few poses we do. These foam blocks are lightweight, come in a ton of colors, and are inexpensive. They are usually 6X9″. They help with poses such as “legs up” and “half moon.”

The other prop we use to work with shoulders and arms is a long strap. Similar to a webbed belt, there is often a D-ring or buckle at the end. Neither is necessary for the work we do. I suggest you get one that is at least 6′ in length. They too are inexpensive. If you have a long belt or tie in the house, either will do.

Lastly, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Diane Jenks, RYT